Here are some of the more frequently asked questions asked by our customers. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.


Q.  How do we book? 

A. Text us on 021 407 240 – We love texts and will reply immediately! Or register and use the simple on-line booking form.

Q. Stonechips?

A. once again rare, but occasionally happen. iDrive will pay the cost of chip repair at Smith and Smith or Novus. Your comprehensive policy will cover non repairable cracks. (in fact we have gained customers whose cars were damaged on transporters)

Q. Insurance?

A. Our policy requires vehicle owners to have their own insurance in place. In the event of an ‘at fault’ accident by one of our drivers, we will pay your excess up to $2,000

Q. I can’t be there to hand over / receive the vehicle?

A. Our drivers are very flexible and will always work with you to get the job done

Q. Prestige cars and classics?

A. Over 10 years we have successfully delivered a wide range of cars valued at up to $200,000-, and trucks worth substantially more. We can put you in touch with satisfied customers. We will sometimes recommend older classic cars be delivered via transporter if they are in original condition. iDrive has your best interests at heart.

Q. How do your drivers get home?

A. Let’s just say the answer is like the Colonels secret herbs and spices! The important thing is that they always get home, and you don’t have to worry about it.

Q. What about breakdowns?

A.  Our drivers are AA members and on rare occasions we need to be rescued. But the delivery is always completed. In fact if you’ve just bought a car, it’s better that it breaks down for us, and is fixed before you get it!